Internet Privacy or Lack Thereof

The internet may seem like a simple and innocent tool to make our lives easier and keep us all connected, however it can be a complex and dangerous non-asset to out daily lives. With the functionality of the internet and the devices we use to operate and access it such as our computers and our smartphones, the ability to do anything at your fingertips can make it seem like the internet is a really helpful tool. However, we still need to be careful.

We all need to keep in mind what we post and how it may affect others and/or ourselves in the present or even in the future. People can either misinterpret what you say or post or can hold something ad or incriminating over your head and there can be very negative repercussions.
Also, there are some technologies available that make it easy for people to access your information even if you don't want them to.

For me, and this may sound like a bad thing, but I believe that since I was born into and grew up in this age of technology and internet presence, I don't think much of the negative impacts of the internet. It has always been instilled in me to be careful what I post and that there are bad people out there, but it is such a reality to me that I rarely even think about it anymore. The TED Talks we watched barely surprised me or told me something I didn't know.

Maybe that's a bad thing, idk lol :P
