My Fall Break Social Media Detox

This fall break, I'm leaving school and going back home with intentions of having a productive yet relaxing break. There are some extracurricular projects I have to take care of and finish, I need to look for internships for over fall break, but my big "Fall Break Resolution" is a social media detox. 

I'm not too involved with social media personally, but given the fact that I have a part in running two social media accounts that are affiliated with groups here on campus, it'll be good for me to get away and essentially log-off for a good part of the week. There are some articles that address this same idea and share some personal experiences about how a such a cleanse is good for you. This article was the one I was drawn to the most and the one I will be comparing to in my final assessment if this plan.  

My ultimate goals for this cleanse are to be able to increase my productivity and get all the miscellaneous stuff I have to do done, to be able to allow for more quality time to be spent with family and friends, and to get into a better sleeping pattern for when I come back to campus. 

Social media can be such a powerful and beneficial tool, but too much of it can cause some problems, thus it can't be bad for a detox every once in a while. Another goal I have is to follow through with this plan and then to follow it up and give my own results and compare to the article I was originally inspired by in my next blog post for somewhat of research on this topic. 

Wish me luck! 
