Drone's: An Afterthought

In doing some research on Drones for his recent class project, I got much more out of it than I had predicted I would. I didn't know that the term "Drone" was much broader than I thought and I had no idea that its history went as far back as it truly did. I was really surprised by a lot of my findings, but I was intrigued as well. My favorite piece of research came in the form of this YouTube video by Mashable on the history of Drones.

I watched that video many times over to get all the details of the history and impacts of drones that I could to be able to place in my presentation. It went truly in depth and brought out all of the nitty gritty details that make this history so much more rich than it would seem.

Drones are precision materials that have been lurking in the background of our lives for quite some time now. I was impressed with the fact that the first known Drone was created back in 1917 and has thus been renovated and updated for over a century now. Recreational and commercial use if fine to me, the use of Drones in a military setting is what irks me a bit. 

They are mainly used as surveillance and reconnaissance machines, however that leads to two things. How much is it compromising or oppressing our own privacy and the privacy of other nations as a whole and how often is the information received correct or even used in the correct way. Governments are gaining a lot of power very quickly with these machines and we are just scratching the surface with what the future may hold with Drones in our lives. We can only hope that we as humans can find it in ourselves to use Drones for the greater good and that we hold to usage of Drones to a very high moral standard, but who knows what may happen. 

Image result for predator drone
