Google's Recent Anti-Trust Investigation

This past week, internet superpower Google was under much scrutiny and investigation. 48 of the 50 states in the U.S. had launched investigations looking into Google's stranglehold over internet advertisements. Nothing has been released from the investigations thus far.

To me, this investigation is a bit unwarranted. It seems as though they are just weary of the sheer size of the company itself rather than actual activity that Google is doing that would seem suspicious. It's almost a matter of "innocent until proven guilty" since it seems like they are "under trial" for the sheer idea that they may be up to some untrustworthy activity due to the fear of their size.

I'm really interested to see how this will turn out and will continue to follow developments on this issue. Maybe the result will prove me wrong and maybe the investigation wasn't just out of fear. However, until then, I will stick to my thinking and I will back Google. I personally have never had an issue and I hope this gets sorted out as fast and efficiently as possible.
