Anti-War and Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan

War has never been a topic I have researched or thought about too extensively. I was always under the impression that the U.S. had the best and most highly trained people in our armed forces, which is a completely skewed and biased perspective. When proposed to explore this website on anti-war articles I was immediately drawn to this article which describes a recent event where instead of killing suspected al-Qaeda members, a U.S airstrike was called onto a civilian wedding party. In this event, 40 Civilians, including children, were killed. This saddened me and drew me to a new understanding of my interpretation of our armed forces.

The most disturbing part to me is how they tried to blame the even on al-Qaeda itself, essentially sweeping the event under the rug and out of the minds of U.S. citizens and government officials. The fact that we are not owning up to this event makes it so much worse. People, sometimes even large groups of important people, make mistakes, yet the first step to not making the same mistakes is to accept the mistake in the first place. This to me seems as though they are allowing this to pass without any repercussions, and that it would be allowed to happen again in the future.

The need for strengthened intelligence in a war setting is more necessary now than ever, yet it doesn't seem like the U.S. is doing anything to do that. I would like to be able to browse some more of these articles in the future and follow these events if they were to ever pop up again. I'll never see it in daily or popular news, and that is a shame in and of itself.

Where will the U.S. go after this, how will we move on as a country, and how will this effect our global relations with other nations?
